Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Romance of Zombies

Zombies are far and wide known to have been devoid of souls, legends say that they are the remains of the people who die and while their souls leave their bodies, the body itself in a partially decaying state becomes a zombie..while it is still unclear what reasons would make it a zombie , it is by and large professed that it could be some unfulfilled wish of the dead or the wish of the body itself to dwell on its undead counterparts.

Zombies are also known to have no will or consciousness, quite contrary to their callous cousins -vampires, which are intelligent enough to trap their victims and ensnare them into situations where they find it difficult to escape from their claws.Also, since vampires seem to have a purpose or a diligent determination to suck blood of as many humans as possible and for as long as possible , they are pretty ambitious and focused on what they want in life (read : of life).

Zombies on the other hand are absolutely purposeless, even if they are supposed to suck human blood, they are too aimless to realize that, this instils into the story of zombies a flavour of reticence and innocence....even if they do suck on human blood .., they dont do so out of perversity or desire..., rather they do it out of helplessness, their inability to be decisive enough on how to entertain the humans makes them blood-suckers, they were too disoriented to prey on a human or entrap their victims, the one who would at all get victimized to a zombie would perhaps be on his way to self-annihilation. Zombies could make excellent trekkers in this sense, they would just go about places with their only intent to keep walking except that they would lack the interest to stop and take a look at the picturesque lansdcape, if there happens to be.

Another aspect of zombies , largely imitated by their human counterparts is zombie-walk, but its not the style of walking which should be characterised of zombies, rather its the nature of the walk itself which is purposeless and aimless ,and which should actually define zombie-walk.

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