Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hazards of IPOD

One of the most overused electronic music players developed in recent times is also the most underrated electronic devices, at least by the consortium of the scientists who keep on harping upon the effects of the mobile phones and CRT screens, the hazards have not just to be rated over the scale which measures the intensity of harm it incurs on the health of its users or the effects it makes on the biological make-up of the human beings, but rather it has to be made on the effects that it makes on the social life of its users too.

Numerous findings by the socio-scientific fraternity have shown a sick man is bound to get more sick...if he has no social life or a healthy man is likely to fall sick under the slightest of instants if he has no social life either.

Still when they come up with such a product , they hardly do an investigation over its impacts on the social life of its users or even if they do ..their studies hardly reveal any significant results which they may have come up with.

Numerous innocent,gullible users dress up in the morning, plug this marvellous piece of electronic art onto their eardrums..and walk out of their homes with the morning bloom on their face and confidence in their persona, hardly realising what else emanates from them apart from the tune thats likely to shake anybody's ass cha-cha-cha.

Many of them commute on public transportations-buses or trains and not realising as each day passes by, the people who never used to mind sitting next to you on a beautiful day when seats in the bus were comfortably vacant and there was plenty of space to choose the seat of your choice, the same people wouldn't want to do the same on a crowded day when probably the only possible seat left empty was the one next to you...but its users never realised, they were too busy shuffling songs or adjusting the equaliser settings to the one which sounded the best for the song they were listening to.

But the story doesn't end here, the vile device has more on its mind to play.

The unsuspecting user steps into the office passing a smile and "Hello" to everyone on way ,hardly caring if they replied back or frowned back in reply.Just too eager to check his mails, with still the little devil sucking on his ears the user logs into his system and starts getting lost into the web, still busy and deeply engrossed, suddenly his biological-cum-digestive system feels the urge to release a gust of gas to balance the pressure of air on both sides, and the user still unperturbed and unaware of the processes going on in his stomach and too occupied with the processes running under the task manager, voluntarily or involuntarily releases the air with no intents of minimizing the auditory overtones that this might produce, since the little devil kept the brain under the impression that the people around too are living in a world with loud music ringing against their eardrums!!
(To the uninitiated : Please read again!!)

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