Sunday, September 23, 2007


As you meet new people in all walks of life, you come across many of them with varying degrees of complexity inevitably inherent in the constitution of their self, their character and in their outlook as well.

Fallacies resulting from unreasonable notions or notions too insubstantial to form a reason, form inexplicable prejudices in people, and its hard to get rid of such prejudices nor even might they be willing to shed these prejudices, and its exactly this "prejudice" that causes most of the damned problems in this world.
Right from the problems that people have to cope up with in their personal lives to problems that are much more supranational in nature ,ranging from reasons why people embrace violent means for attaining their ends (which are literally endless), to discrimination of people on the basis of religion, race etc.

One of the most archetypal examples of prejudice - racism, people who belong to a certain race means they have their genes which show some prominent characteristics in say color of skin because of geographical location or environmental conditions, an example of black people would suffice the argument, they being born in equatorial climate and saharan/sub-saharan region developed a certain skin-color to cope with the climate in hundreds of years, this is how they evolved to best neutralise the harsh conditions of weather and topography in that region.

Yeah, thats what race is all about scientifically, geologically and normally, at least to all the sensible people who do not wish to think, conclude something more than obvious and necessary about this fact .And if there are good or bad people in one race, there are so in other races too, at least race is too meek a reason to disciminate against people compared to things like culture which people accept, renounce and distort at their own will .

How would it sound when somebody has prejudices against somebody else for actual racial reasons?..when A says "I hate B because he is black" it would be equivalent to saying ,"I hate B because his genes evolved themselves to live under the extreme conditions of equatorial climate, temperature and topography of Saharan and sub-saharan region" doesn't it sound too convincing an argument now..!?!

Yeah, people can have their own prejudices and hence they wish to discriminate over something which is incomprehensible to be dissected in that context.

A funny analogy would be - people having prejudices against people who are not born in the same season as they are, it seems to be making a perfect recipe for racism, because skin-color is definitely a by-product of such factors.

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