Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Your delicacy could wipe out an entire species!!!

The rising furore between Japan and Australia over the hunting down of humpback and minke whales puts forth the need to contemplate over the question, Is the urge to follow one tradition or tasting one delicacy so intense as to have the willingness to put the existence of an entire species at stake, to wipe out the entire genre of species from the face of the earth which the nature has saved in its womb for ages?

And above all a specie which is enjoying life on its own in the deepest precincts of the earth ignorant of the existence of other species which it has nothing to do with, including humans ,and nowhere posing any threats to humans not just because it intends to live in harmony with the rest of the animate world, but because it is too busy enjoying the life in that isolated world with its own kin unaware that some deathly claws are planning to advance towards it.


  1. unfortunately reality bites?

    soooo are you a vegeterian? i am really curious!

    4rth of October was tha universal day of animals rights! but i quess that for most of humans it was just another day consuming meat, having a lovely dinner!

  2. And well...even if you are not a vegetarian...its a question of saving a specie from extinction..cant we give our taste-buds a little break!!

  3. I think you make a good point here.

    and to the question you asked me - I was referring to my fanfiction, not to the books themselves! I would never claim to write those books, haha.
